Invisalign in Brampton and Burlington, ON

Invisalign in Brampton and Burlington, ON
Posted on 10/15/2021

Invisalign is already making huge strides in orthodontic treatment for countless patients, but there is a brand new way to enhance treatment, even more, called AcceleDent. For Invisalign in Burlington, ON visit Discover Orthodontics. Using AcceleDent can speed up the Invisalign process so patients can see results sooner than ever before.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a dental technology that delivers the results of metal braces with none of the bulk and hassle. Treatment consists of wearing a series of clear aligners, for a period of 12 to 18 months, which shift teeth slowly and painlessly. The aligners are removed for eating and drinking, playing contact sports, and cleaning. They are a perfect option for patients who wish to correct their smile without anyone being able to tell they’re undergoing treatment.

What is AcceleDent?

AcceleDent is essentially a handheld device with a mouthpiece that delivers gentle vibrations through the teeth and jaw to “speed up orthodontic treatment and reduce discomfort by up to 71%” according to their website. AcceleDent is used for a single 20-minute session every day for the duration of treatment, and can greatly reduce the amount of time needed to see your beautiful results from Invisalign. The vibrations from AcceleDent stimulate the teeth and jaw, encouraging the teeth to shift with less resistance, meaning less pain, and speedier results.

How to Speed Up Invisalign Treatment

In addition to using AcceleDent, there are several ways you can make sure your Invisalign treatment goes as quickly as possible:

  • Always wear Invisalign aligners for 22 hours a day, and only remove them to eat, drink, or for cleaning.
  • Keep your Invisalign retainers safe in their protective case when not in use, and keep them clean.
  • Go to all orthodontist appointments to check your progress, and get the next aligner in your series on time.
  • Address any concerns that arise immediately with your orthodontist to stay on track.
  • Wear any retainers recommended after treatment concludes to guarantee retention and make your results last a lifetime.

Visit your Orthodontist to Start

Discover Orthodontics has helped countless patients completely transform their smiles with Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. If you think this state-of-the-art treatment may be right for you, fill out an appointment request or contact us today. If you are currently undergoing Invisalign treatment, consider using AcceleDent to see beautiful results faster than ever before. Meet our team and visit us at one of our two Ontario offices!

Invisalign Diamond Plus 2024