Tips for Making it Through Your First Week With Braces

Tips for Making it Through Your First Week With Braces
Posted on 05/11/2022

Getting used to braces can be hard, especially if you’ve never had them before. Being on your first week of braces is an adjustment, but it can be manageable! At Discover Orthodontics, we strive to give the best care and resources to our patients. Whether they’re in or out of the office, Dr. Iwasiuk and staff are here to help! If you’re new to braces, here are tips to help you get through your first week.

  1. Follow Instructions- Before you leave the orthodontist's office, make sure that your braces are comfortable as can be. Make sure the wires aren’t poking your cheeks or tongue. Also, don’t be afraid to ask any questions you have as well. It’s important to go over any instructions your orthodontist gives you, such as your hygiene regime and what supplies you’ll need to use.
  2. Watch What You Eat- It’s hard adjusting to a new diet because, with braces, there are certain restrictions to follow. We highly suggest keeping a well-balanced diet. we highly suggest only eating softer foods the first few days while your mouth and teeth adjust. Soft veggies, seedless bread, pudding, soup, yogurt, pasta, and smoothies are just some of the examples of what you can eat. After about three or four days, the soreness will start to go away and you can graduate to more solid foods, but always steer clear of gum with sugar in it. Gum with sugar in it can cause damage to your teeth and braces.
  3. Stock Up on the Right Tools- Don’t forget to keep brushing and flossing regularly to help you remove food and plaque that is stuck between your teeth and brackets. To help make it easier, stock up on nifty tools. Try getting a WaterPik before getting your braces. This can make it easier to clean your gums and teeth between the brackets. You can also find an interdental brush at any drugstore near you. Also, check online for specific flosses that can make flossing easier, such as using a floss threader, super floss, and/or a platypus flosser.
  4. Fight Sores & Pain- Brackets and wires can rub on the soft skin in your mouth and can irritate you while you’re still getting used to them. Over time, your skin will toughen and you won’t continue to get sore spots. Until then, it’s a good idea to use wax or petroleum jelly to protect your gums. Also, use painkiller medications if necessary. It’s ok to take any over-the-counter pain medications. However, if pain or discomfort does persist constantly for over a week, please feel free to contact your orthodontist as soon as possible.
  5. Wear A Mouthguard (for athletic events)- If you're an athlete or about to participate in any contact sports, consider wearing a mouthguard. Wearing one will prevent lacerations and irritations if you do get hit in the face. It also prevents damage to your braces and reduces the likelihood of losing or damaging your teeth, which can push your treatment plan longer.
  6. Stay in Touch With Your Orthodontist- If you have any questions or concerns about your treatment, or your brackets/wires have broken, contact your orthodontist. Also, make sure to follow up with making regular check-up appointments so your orthodontist can check your progress.

Get Braces Today At Discover Orthodontics!

If you’re thinking about getting braces, contact Discover Orthodontics today! Our doctors and staff provide comprehensive orthodontic care for those of all ages! Schedule a consultation today at our Brampton or Burlington, ON office. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us! We’ll be happy to assist you!

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